The average speed of a bicycle, an athlete and a car are 18 km/hr, 7 m/s and 2 km/min respectively. Which among these is the fastest and the slowest one?

Convert all speeds to the same units and than compare them.

For the bicycle, 18 km/h
= 18000 m/3600 s
= 5.0 m/s

For the car 2 km /min
= 2000 m/60 s = 33.3 m/s

The athlete runs at 7 m/s. The bike is slowest and the car is fastest in this case.

Draw d-t graph for the following situation (a) when body is stationary (b) when body is moving with uniform velocity (c) when body is moving with variable velocity and uniform acceleration

Car fast and bike slow

To determine which of the bicycle, athlete, and car is the fastest and slowest, we need to compare their speeds in a consistent unit. Let's convert all the speeds to a common unit of km/hr.

- Average speed of the bicycle = 18 km/hr
- Average speed of the athlete = 7 m/s
- Average speed of the car = 2 km/min

First, let's convert the average speed of the athlete from m/s to km/hr.
1 m/s = 3.6 km/hr (approx.)

Therefore, the average speed of the athlete in km/hr is:
7 m/s × 3.6 km/hr ≈ 25.2 km/hr

Now, let's convert the average speed of the car from km/min to km/hr.
1 min = 60 seconds

Therefore, the average speed of the car in km/hr is:
2 km/min × 60 min/hour = 120 km/hr

Now that we have converted all the speeds to km/hr, we can compare them.

- Average speed of the bicycle = 18 km/hr
- Average speed of the athlete = 25.2 km/hr
- Average speed of the car = 120 km/hr

Thus, the car has the highest speed of 120 km/hr and is the fastest among the three modes of transportation. On the other hand, the bicycle has the lowest speed of 18 km/hr and is the slowest among the three options.