Find the area of the other figure to the nearest whole number.

The area of the smaller trapezoid is 771 m2.

Data from previous posts must be included.

ha idk


To find the area of the other figure, we first need to determine what type of figure it is. The information given states that the smaller figure is a trapezoid with an area of 771 m2.

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides, and the area of a trapezoid can be calculated using the formula:

Area = (1/2) * (sum of the lengths of the parallel sides) * (height)

Since the smaller trapezoid's area is given as 771 m2, we know the area is already calculated for that figure.

Now let's find the area of the other figure using the given information. Since the other figure is not explicitly mentioned, we can assume that it is also a trapezoid with similar properties. Here's how we can find its area:

1. Identify the parallel sides:
Look for the two sides in the other figure that are parallel to each other. Let's label them as side1 and side2.

2. Measure the height:
Determine the height of the other trapezoid. The height is the perpendicular distance between the two parallel sides.

3. Calculate the sum of the parallel sides:
Take the sum of the lengths of side1 and side2.

4. Substitute the values into the formula:
Plug in the values for the sum of the parallel sides and the height into the formula: Area = (1/2) * (sum of the parallel sides) * (height).

After substituting the values, solve the equation to find the area of the other figure. Round the result to the nearest whole number, as requested.

Please provide the lengths of side1, side2, and the height of the other trapezoid to proceed with the calculation.