A balloonist leaves the ground and ascends 52 ft into the air, releases air, and descends 27 ft. Then, she turns on the gas burners again and ascends 71 ft. What is her height above the ground?

52 + 71 - 27 = ?


25 ft

To find the balloonist's height above the ground, we need to calculate the total vertical distance she has traveled.

First, she ascends 52 ft into the air. Then, she releases air and descends 27 ft. This means her net vertical distance after these two actions is 52 ft - 27 ft = 25 ft above the ground.

Next, she turns on the gas burners and ascends an additional 71 ft. Adding this to her previous height of 25 ft, the balloonist's total vertical distance above the ground is 25 ft + 71 ft = 96 ft.

Therefore, the balloonist is 96 ft above the ground.