1. The purpose of American and European imperialism in the Pacific was mainly to gain.

A. markets fro manufactured products
B. coaling stations and naval bases
C. sources of raw materials
D. places for surplus population
I said C.

2. The development of antiseptics during the 1800s was important because they
A. eliminated pain during surgery
B. made longer operations possible
C. killed disease-causing germs
D. eliminated several epidemic diseases
I said C.

3. In the 1870s, electricity
A. became common in most homes in the US
B. was replaced by atomic energy as a major power source
C. became available as a new source of power for industry
D. was used in light bulbs for the first time
I said D

5. The Reichstag was
A. the upper house of the German legislature whose members were appointed
B. the lower house of the German legislature whose members were elected
C. a secret society in Germany
D. the building where the German legislature met
I said D

6. Risorgimento, the name for the nationalistic movement in Italy, is the Italian word for
A. freedom
B. resurgence
C. unification
D. liberty
I said C

7. The principle of the laissez-faire states that
A. all citizens of a certain age should have the right to vote
B. government should control all aspects of business
C. government should not interfere with the operations of business
D. workers should have the right to strike
I'm not to sure on this one.

8. Which country did NOT have a claim in Africa during the first period of European colonization (1900-1920)
A. Germany
B. Belgium
C. Britain
I said D

10. The Crimean War was fought between France and
A. Russia
B. Great Britain
C. Italy
D. Germany
I'm not sure about this one

13. The Roosevelt Corollary extended the Monroe Doctrine by declaring that
A. Europen powers might collect Latin America debts by force
B. European powers must give up their colonies in Latin America
C. The US could intervene in Latin American countries if it seemed necessary
D. The US would have the final say on who could use the Panama Canal
I said C

14. Great Britain was interested in Egypt because Britain wanted to control the
A. Panama Canal
B. Suez Canal
C. Strait of Magellan
D. Cape of Good Hope
I said B

17. Astronomy, geology, physics, and chemistry are all branches of the
A. social sciences
B. biological sciences
C. industrial sciences
D. physical sciences
I said D

19. In order for industrialization to occur, a country must have the three factors of production: land, capital, and
A. natural resources
B. transportation
C. labor
D. government
I said A

20. The Dreyfus case showed the
A. presence of anti-semitism in France
B. weakness in the French economy
C. development of nationalist feeling in France
D. massive support for the second empire
I said A

oh so ur doing keystone too lol

1 is still wrong. The others are correct.

Number 6 is wrong. The world Risorgimento is the Italian word for Resurgence. So it would be B.

1. I disagree.

Check your book.



19. wrong

I agree with your other answers.

Revised answers:

1. A
7. C
10. A
19. C

1. The purpose of American and European imperialism in the Pacific was mainly to gain:

- To answer this question, we need to understand the motivations behind American and European imperialism in the Pacific. One way to do this is by studying historical documents, primary sources, and scholarly research on the topic. By examining these sources, we can gain insight into the economic, political, and strategic interests that drove imperialism in the Pacific.
- Option A: Markets for manufactured products - This could be a plausible answer, as European and American countries sought new markets for their goods during the time of imperialism. However, we need to consider other factors as well.
- Option B: Coaling stations and naval bases - This could also be a plausible answer, as countries sought strategic locations to refuel their ships and establish military dominance in the region.
- Option C: Sources of raw materials - This could be another plausible answer, as countries were seeking access to valuable natural resources like rubber, timber, oil, minerals, etc.
- Option D: Places for surplus population - While this could be a contributing factor, it might not be the primary purpose of imperialism in the Pacific.
- After considering all options, you have chosen option C (sources of raw materials) as your answer. This can be a valid choice, as obtaining access to raw materials was indeed one of the main motivations for imperialism in the Pacific.

2. The development of antiseptics during the 1800s was important because they:
- To determine the significance of antiseptics during the 1800s, we need to analyze the historical context and the impact of antiseptics on medical practices and public health.
- Option A: Eliminated pain during surgery - While this might be a desirable outcome, it might not be the primary reason for the importance of antiseptics.
- Option B: Made longer operations possible - This could be a valid choice, as the use of antiseptics reduced the risk of infection, allowing for longer and more complicated surgeries.
- Option C: Killed disease-causing germs - This is the most accurate answer, as the discovery and use of antiseptics played a crucial role in effectively sterilizing surgical instruments, wounds, and medical environments, thereby reducing the spread of infections and disease.
- Option D: Eliminated several epidemic diseases - While antiseptics did contribute to improved public health, it might not be accurate to say that they eliminated several epidemic diseases.
- After considering all options, you have chosen option C (killed disease-causing germs) as your answer. This is the correct choice because antiseptics were a major breakthrough in medical science, as they significantly decreased the risk of infection and improved overall patient outcomes.

3. In the 1870s, electricity:
- To determine the advancements and impact of electricity in the 1870s, we need to study the historical developments, inventions, and scientific discoveries related to electricity during that period.
- Option A: Became common in most homes in the US - While the adoption of electricity in homes did occur later, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was not widespread in the 1870s.
- Option B: Was replaced by atomic energy as a major power source - Atomic energy was not yet discovered or harnessed during the 1870s, so this option is inaccurate.
- Option C: Became available as a new source of power for industry - This is a plausible answer, as the invention and development of electric power systems, such as generators and electric motors, provided industries with a more efficient and versatile source of power.
- Option D: Was used in light bulbs for the first time - This is a plausible answer, as the practical use of electricity in the form of electric lighting, including the invention of incandescent light bulbs by Thomas Edison, was a significant development during this period.
- After considering all options, you have chosen option D (was used in light bulbs for the first time) as your answer. This is an accurate choice, as the use of electricity in light bulbs was indeed a notable development in the 1870s.

(Note: The explanation for other questions continues in the next response)