For each event,circle the most appropriate term.

21. Six friends go to a movie.How many ways can they sit in a row of six seats?

counting principle,combination,factorial, or permutation


number of ways to seat 6 people
= 6! = 720

I don't understand this question.For each event ,circle the most appropriate term.

19. 6*5*4*3*2*1

Counting principle, combination, factorial,permutation.

To determine the most appropriate term for this event, we need to understand the characteristics of each term.

1. Counting Principle: This principle is used when we need to count the number of possibilities by multiplying the separate choices at each stage of an event. For example, if we have two events with "a" and "b" choices, the counting principle states that there are "a x b" possibilities in total.

2. Combination: A combination is used when the order does not matter in a set of objects. It expresses the number of ways to select a group of objects from a larger set, regardless of the order.

3. Factorial: The factorial of a positive integer "n" is denoted by "n!" and represents the product of all positive integers less than or equal to "n." For example, 3! = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6. Factorials are useful when counting the number of ways to arrange a set of objects in a specific order.

4. Permutation: A permutation is used when the order does matter in a set of objects. It expresses the number of ways to arrange a group of objects in a particular order.

In the given scenario, six friends want to sit in a row of six seats. Here, the order in which the friends sit matters. Each friend can occupy a seat once, and no two friends can sit in the same seat.

Considering these factors, the most appropriate term for this event is a permutation. A permutation expresses the number of ways to arrange objects in a particular order, which aligns with the scenario of friends sitting in a row of seats without repetition.