On your paper, write the correct verb from each pair in parentheses.

1. Any soldier or civilian who (was, were) involved in the war often faced a life-threatening situation.
2. Either Belgium or Holland (was, were) chosen by the Germans for an early attack.

I'll be glad to check your answers.


1. were

2. were

Please read the website I posted for you.

1. was


Why do you think your answers are right?

I think my second answer is correct for the first question because the nouns are singular. But I am uncertain about my answer to the second question.

You're right.

Both sentences have singular subjects and thus need singular verbs.

Does this mean my second answers are correct?


To determine the correct verb form for each sentence, you need to identify the subject or subjects that the verb refers to. Let's analyze each sentence:

1. Any soldier or civilian who (was, were) involved in the war often faced a life-threatening situation.
In this sentence, the subject is "Any soldier or civilian." Since "Any soldier or civilian" is singular, the correct verb form is "was." Therefore, the correct verb to write in parentheses is "was."

2. Either Belgium or Holland (was, were) chosen by the Germans for an early attack.
In this sentence, the subject is "Either Belgium or Holland." Although "Either Belgium or Holland" consists of two countries, it is treated as a singular unit in this case. Therefore, the correct verb form is "was." Hence, the correct verb to write in parentheses is "was."

So, the answers to the exercise are:
1. Any soldier or civilian who (was) involved in the war often faced a life-threatening situation.
2. Either Belgium or Holland (was) chosen by the Germans for an early attack.