You deposit $1200 in an account that pays an APR of 7% compounded monthly. How long will it take for your balance to reach $150,000?

im not really sure but maybe itslike a month because the way I put it in my calculator Is

but im not good at math so idk. I tried at least

I assume you are depositing the $1200 every month

monthly rate = .07/12 = .00583333..
number of months = n

1200( 1.0058333..^n - 1)/.0058333 = 150000
( 1.0058333..^n - 1)/.0058333 = 125
1.0058333^n - 1 = .72916662..
1.00583333^n = 1.72916662...

take log of both sides
log 1.00583333^n = log 1.72916662...
nlog 1.00583333 = log 1.72916662...
n = log 1.72916662.../log 1.00583333
n = 94.15 monts

n = appr 94 months or 7 years and 10 months

To calculate the time it will take for your balance to reach $150,000, we can use the formula for compound interest:

A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)

A = the future balance you want to achieve ($150,000 in this case)
P = the initial deposit amount ($1200 in this case)
r = the annual interest rate (7% or 0.07 in decimal form)
n = the number of compounding periods per year (since it's compounded monthly, n = 12)
t = the time in years (what we want to find)

Now, let's plug in the values we have and solve for t:

$150,000 = $1200(1 + 0.07/12)^(12t)

Divide both sides of the equation by $1200:

125 = (1 + 0.07/12)^(12t)

Take the natural logarithm of both sides:

ln(125) = ln((1 + 0.07/12)^(12t))

Use the properties of logarithms to bring down the exponent:

ln(125) = 12t * ln(1 + 0.07/12)

Finally, divide both sides by 12 * ln(1 + 0.07/12):

t = ln(125) / (12 * ln(1 + 0.07/12))

Using a calculator, we can find that t ≈ 21.79 years.

Therefore, it will take approximately 21.79 years for your balance to reach $150,000 if you deposit $1200 in an account that pays an APR of 7% compounded monthly.