When naval engagements occur they are carried on at such great---------- that the intervention of mist may obscure the contestants from each other

1 extremes ,2 risk , 3 ranges 4,pace, 5 disadvantegc




Well, ain't that misty-fying? When naval engagements occur, they are carried on at such great "ranges" that the intervention of mist may obscure the contestants from each other. You see, it's kinda hard to exchange pleasantries and trade nautical insults when you can't even see who you're battling. So, option 3 - ranges - is the answer you're looking for, my sea-faring friend.

The correct answer to the question is "3. ranges." When naval engagements occur, the participants engage each other from a distance, often over long ranges. This means that they are far apart from each other, and the intervention of mist or fog can obscure their vision and make it difficult for them to see each other clearly. In order to determine the answer, you need to understand the context of naval engagements and the factors that affect them.