How to tell 4/7 on a ruler

To tell 4/7 on a ruler, you will need to make use of the markings on the ruler. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Start by looking at the markings on the ruler. Most rulers have markings in inches or centimeters.

2. Identify the smallest unit of measurement on the ruler. For example, if the ruler is in inches, this could be 1/16, 1/8, or 1/10 of an inch.

3. Divide the length of the ruler into seven equal parts. To do this, locate the marking for 1/7 of the length and place a small mark or draw a line at that position.

4. Now you need to locate the 4/7 point on the ruler. To do this, count out four of the equal parts you marked in step 3 and place another small mark or draw a line at that position.

5. Finally, you can identify the 4/7 point on the ruler between the two marks you made in step 3 and step 4.

Remember, the accuracy of your estimation will depend on the precision of the ruler's markings. If your ruler has smaller increments, you will be able to achieve a more precise measurement.