Suppose that you learn, prior to your trip to British Columbia, that gasoline will cost $1.50 (in Canadian dollars) for every liter you purchase. You know from checking the Internet that 1 liter is equivalent to 0.26 gallons and the currency conversion rate for the Canadian dollar is about .98 U.S. dollars. How much will gasoline cost you, per gallon in U.S. dollars, for your trip?

To calculate the cost of gasoline per gallon in U.S. dollars for your trip to British Columbia, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the cost of gasoline per liter in Canadian dollars.
Given that gasoline costs $1.50 CAD per liter, the cost per liter is $1.50 CAD.

Step 2: Convert Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars.
To convert Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars, you need to use the currency conversion rate, which is 0.98 U.S. dollars for 1 Canadian dollar.
Multiply the cost per liter in Canadian dollars ($1.50 CAD) by the conversion rate (0.98 U.S. dollars/CAD):
Cost per liter in U.S. dollars = $1.50 CAD * 0.98 USD/CAD = $1.47 USD.

Step 3: Convert liters to gallons.
Given that 1 liter is equivalent to 0.26 gallons, you need to convert the cost per liter in U.S. dollars to the cost per gallon in U.S. dollars.
To do this, divide the cost per liter in U.S. dollars ($1.47 USD) by the conversion factor (0.26 gallons/liter):
Cost per gallon in U.S. dollars = $1.47 USD / 0.26 gallons = $5.65 USD/gallon.

Therefore, the cost of gasoline per gallon in U.S. dollars for your trip to British Columbia will be approximately $5.65 USD.