Please check my answers...

1.) "He is playing cards" is said like this: él está jugando a las cartas.

2.) Is this how you say "My friend plays soccer": Mi cuates juega al fútbol.

3.) Is this how you say "they are in a hurry": que tienen prisa.

4.) True or False:
The following statement is correct

Juego la guitarra.

I am not sure my thoughts are F...?

1: él está jugando a las cartas.

2: Mis amigos juegan fútbol.
3: Tienen prisa
4:Toco la guitara

Sasha's #2 is incorrect. "Mis Amigos" = plural, but this subject needs to be singular.

I'll ask Sra to check Cassie's work.

Thank you both

Thank you - forgot to fill in name...

1. This depends upon what KIND of cards. If you mean a deck of cards = a los naipes (better) because "cartas" is usually "letters."

2. My friend = Mi amigo (usually)

3. drop the "que" = tienen prisa

4. FALSE because if you play an instrument, you have to "touch" it = Toco la guitarra.


Thank you...we are learning cartas right now that's why I used it and she also wanted us to use cuates for friend - thank you for your help.

Then make sure it is singular = cuate T hat is a Mexican word meaning either twin or pal.


Cartas is letters.... right?

Yo sé hablar español
Je sais parler francais
Eu sei falar portugues
I know how to speak English

I am Cassandra Raven Moonstone,I help with languages.

1.) Correct! "He is playing cards" is said like this: "él está jugando a las cartas."

2.) Not quite. The correct translation for "My friend plays soccer" is: "Mi amigo juega al fútbol."

3.) Close, but not entirely correct. The correct translation for "they are in a hurry" is: "ellos tienen prisa." Note that "que" is not used in this context.

4.) False. The correct translation for "I play the guitar" is: "Yo toco la guitarra."