how much would 11 feet of ribbon cost if it sells for $1.32 per yard

11 feet = 3.66667 yards

3.66667 * 1.32 = 4.8400044 = $4.84

To find the cost of 11 feet of ribbon if it sells for $1.32 per yard, we first need to convert the feet to yards.

There are 3 feet in 1 yard, so to convert 11 feet to yards, we divide 11 by 3:

11 feet ÷ 3 = 3.67 yards (rounded to two decimal places)

Now that we have the length of the ribbon in yards, we can calculate the cost.

The ribbon sells for $1.32 per yard, so to find the total cost, we multiply the length (3.67 yards) by the price ($1.32):

3.67 yards × $1.32 = $4.86

Therefore, 11 feet of ribbon would cost $4.86.
