idetify and describe 3 environmental health hazards that cause ill health,crises and or disasters within your community or any other community within south africa and globally .include evidence that is current of the identified issues.

Please see the Related Questions below.

Natural Disasters such as floods

To identify and describe three environmental health hazards that cause ill health, crises, and disasters within a community, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Gather Information
To start, collect information about environmental health hazards in your community or any other community in South Africa and globally. You can do this by:

1. Consulting Local Authorities: Contact your local health department, environmental agencies, or disaster management organizations to inquire about known hazards in your community.

2. Researching Existing Studies: Look for reports, studies, or publications from reputable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), or local universities that focus on environmental health hazards.

Step 2: Identify Environmental Health Hazards
Based on the gathered information, identify three environmental health hazards that are prevalent in your community or other communities in South Africa and globally. Examples may include:

1. Air Pollution:
Describe the sources and impacts of air pollution, such as emissions from industrial facilities, vehicular exhaust, or indoor air pollutants like cigarette smoke. Discuss the health effects associated with exposure, such as respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and increased mortality rates. Support your description with relevant statistics or research findings.

2. Water Contamination:
Explain the causes and consequences of water contamination, such as inadequate sanitation, industrial waste discharge, or agricultural runoff. Discuss the health risks related to consuming contaminated water, like gastrointestinal diseases, cholera outbreaks, or heavy metal poisoning. Present current evidence for these issues, such as local water quality reports or research studies.

3. Climate Change:
Describe the impacts of climate change in your community or globally, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events (floods, droughts, heatwaves), or sea-level rise. Discuss the associated health risks, such as increased heat-related illnesses, vector-borne diseases (like malaria and dengue), or displacement due to natural disasters. Support your explanation with recent scientific reports, climate modeling data, or case studies from affected areas.

Step 3: Provide Current Evidence
To substantiate your description of the identified hazards, refer to current evidence. This can be obtained by:

1. Referencing Scientific Studies: Cite recent research papers, articles, or reports from reputable scientific journals or organizations. Example sources include the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for climate change-related hazards or WHO reports for air and water pollution impacts.

2. Utilizing Local Data: Include local data, such as health department reports, water quality assessments conducted by local authorities or academic institutions, or air quality monitoring measurements from government agencies.

By following these steps, you can identify and describe three environmental health hazards, supported by current evidence, that cause ill health, crises, and disasters within your community or any other community in South Africa and globally.