15. 3/8 divided by 9=1/24

17. 2/5 divided by 4/7= 7/10

19. 6/7 divided by 3/11= 3 3/21

21. 5/6 divided by 5/12= 2

23. 7/9 divided by 1/7= 5 4/9

35. 3/5 divided by 9/11=33/45

To solve these division problems, you can follow these steps:

1. For the first problem (15. 3/8 divided by 9), you need to divide the numerator of the fraction (3) by the denominator (8) and then divide the result by 9.

(3/8) ÷ 9 = 3 ÷ 8 ÷ 9 = 3/72 = 1/24

2. For the second problem (17. 2/5 divided by 4/7), you need to convert the division into multiplication by taking the reciprocal of the second fraction.

(2/5) ÷ (4/7) = (2/5) * (7/4) = (2*7) / (5*4) = 14/20 = 7/10

3. For the third problem (19. 6/7 divided by 3/11), you proceed similarly by converting the division into multiplication.

(6/7) ÷ (3/11) = (6/7) * (11/3) = (6*11) / (7*3) = 66/21

Reducing this fraction, we have 3 as a common factor in the numerator and denominator:

66/21 = (3*22) / (3*7) = 22/7

Therefore, 6/7 divided by 3/11 equals 3 3/21 or 22/7.

4. For the fourth problem (21. 5/6 divided by 5/12), you can again convert the division into multiplication by taking the reciprocal of the second fraction.

(5/6) ÷ (5/12) = (5/6) * (12/5) = (5*12) / (6*5) = 60/30 = 2

5. For the fifth problem (23. 7/9 divided by 1/7), you need to convert the division into multiplication by taking the reciprocal of the second fraction.

(7/9) ÷ (1/7) = (7/9) * (7/1) = (7*7) / (9*1) = 49/9

We can simplify this fraction:

49/9 = 5 wholes + (49%9) / 9 = 5 4/9

Therefore, 7/9 divided by 1/7 equals 5 4/9.

6. For the last problem (35. 3/5 divided by 9/11), you can also convert the division into multiplication by taking the reciprocal of the second fraction.

(3/5) ÷ (9/11) = (3/5) * (11/9) = (3*11) / (5*9) = 33/45

This fraction can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3:

33/45 = (3*11) / (3*15) = 11/15

Therefore, 3/5 divided by 9/11 equals 11/15.