
I know at first I get 8832.
Then I drop a zero then get 11040 for my next answer
Then Do I add 8832 and 11040 to get my answer?

To calculate the product of 11.04 and 6.18, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the numbers without considering the decimal point.
11.04 x 6.18 = 68.2272

Step 2: Count the number of decimal places in both numbers.
In this case, 11.04 has two decimal places, and 6.18 has two decimal places as well.

Step 3: Add the number of decimal places together.
2 + 2 = 4

Step 4: Place the decimal point in the result by counting from the right, starting at the end of the product.
So in our case, starting from the right side of 68.2272, we count four places and put the decimal point there.

The final answer is 68.2272, or you can round it to match the significant figures or decimal places specified in the problem statement.

Let's start with an estimate. 11 times 6 = 66.

You know that your answer will be a little more than 66, but not as much as 100.

Did you study the two websites I posted for you?

I see now what you're talking about.

You still need to multiply by 6. Then add.

Okay, I get it now. Thank you Ms. Sue! :D

You're welcome, Jerald. :-)