the scale on a map is given as 1:2000000. the distance between two towns on the map is 4.3. what is the actual distance between the towns in cm (squared)?

distance is not cm^2. That's area.

4.3cm scales up to 4.3*2000000=8600000cm = 86km

To find the actual distance between the towns in centimeters (cm), we need to use the scale given on the map.

The scale of 1:2000000 means that 1 unit on the map represents 2000000 units in real life.

Let's assume that the distance between the towns on the map is represented by "x" units.

Using the scale, we can set up the following proportion:

1 unit on the map = 2000000 units in real life

x units on the map = actual distance between the towns (in cm)

Setting up the proportion:

1 / 2000000 = x / 4.3


1 * 4.3 = x * 2000000

4.3 = 2000000x

Now, let's solve for x:

x = 4.3 / 2000000

x ≈ 0.00000215

Therefore, the actual distance between the towns is approximately 0.00000215 centimeters (cm).

To find the actual distance between the towns in cm, we need to know the scale of the map. The scale given is 1:2000000, which means that one unit on the map represents 2000000 units in reality.

Since the distance on the map is given as 4.3, let's assume it represents x units in reality. We can set up a proportion to solve for x:

1 (unit on the map) / 2000000 (units in reality) = 4.3 (units on the map) / x (units in reality)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 * x = 4.3 * 2000000
x = (4.3 * 2000000) / 1
x = 8600000

Therefore, the actual distance between the towns in reality is 8600000 units.

If you want to convert this to centimeters, you need to know the conversion factor from the units used on the map to centimeters. If there is no information about the conversion factor, it is not possible to determine the actual distance in centimeters.