To produce human protein X in bacterial cells, the plasmid (vector) that is chosen should have a _______________ promoter, and the source DNA should be ___________________. Which of the following best completes the sentence above?

strong, wild type genomic
strong, mutant genomic
human, wild type cDNA
bacterial, wild type cDNA

bacterial, wild type cDNA

To produce human protein X in bacterial cells, the plasmid (vector) that is chosen should have a strong promoter, and the source DNA should be human wild type cDNA.

The promoter is a DNA sequence that initiates the transcription of the gene of interest, and a strong promoter will ensure that a high level of transcription and subsequent production of the protein occurs. In this case, a strong promoter is desired to maximize the production of human protein X.

The source DNA refers to the genetic material that contains the gene encoding for human protein X. In this case, the desired source DNA is human wild type cDNA, which stands for complementary DNA. cDNA is synthesized from mature mRNA using the enzyme reverse transcriptase. Wild type cDNA refers to DNA derived from the normal or non-mutated form of the gene.

Therefore, the correct completion of the sentence is "strong, human wild type cDNA".