7t^4 • 7t^4

Is this 49t^8...A..?


Thank You.

Well, I'll tell you what, "A" is definitely giving it a good effort, but it's not quite there. The correct answer is actually "C" - 49t^16. It's like a mathematical superhero, soaring high with that exponent of 16!

Yes, the product of 7t^4 and 7t^4 is indeed 49t^8. So, the correct answer is A.49t^8.

To multiply two expressions with the same base, like 7t^4 • 7t^4, you can combine the coefficients (numbers) and add the exponents of the variable (t).

In this case, the coefficient is 7 (since 7t^4 • 7t^4 = 7 • 7). The variable is t, and since we are multiplying t^4 by t^4, we add the exponents: 4 + 4 = 8.

So, the final answer is 49t^8, which means choice A is correct.