How do you pronounce "mouths," which is the plural form of 'mouth.'

It's very phonetic ... sounds just as it's spelled.
Click on the little speaker icons here to hear the singular (first icon) and the plural (second icon).

To pronounce "mouths," which is the plural form of 'mouth,' follow these steps:

1. Start by saying the sound "m" (as in "mango").

2. Then, move to the sound "aw" (as in "saw").

3. Next, transition into the "th" sound, which is a voiceless dental fricative. The "th" sound is similar to gently placing your tongue between your upper and lower front teeth and exhaling.

4. Finish by adding the "z" sound (as in "zoo"), which represents the plural marker.

Putting it all together, it sounds like "mau-th-z."

To pronounce "mouths," which is the plural form of "mouth," you can follow these steps:

1. Break it down into syllables: "mouths" has one syllable.
2. Listen to the individual sounds: The "ou" in "mouth" is pronounced like the sound in "ouch." The "th" sound is made by placing your tongue gently between your top and bottom teeth, and the "s" at the end is pronounced like the letter "s."
3. Put it all together: To pronounce "mouths," say "mow-ths" or "mauths," where the vowel sound is shortened and the "th" sound is like a soft "t" sound.

Remember that pronunciation can vary depending on regional accents or dialects, so listen closely to native speakers to get more accurate guidance.