Write a method that will take in a String parameter and return true if the first 2 chars in the string also appear at the end of the string, such as with the word "edited", which starts and ends with 'e' and 'd'.

To achieve this, you can write a method that takes in a String parameter and checks if the first 2 characters of the string match the last 2 characters of the string. Here's an example implementation in Java:

public static boolean checkFirstAndLastChars(String word) {
// Check if the word length is at least 2
if (word.length() >= 2) {
// Extract the first 2 characters of the word
String firstTwoChars = word.substring(0, 2);

// Extract the last 2 characters of the word
String lastTwoChars = word.substring(word.length() - 2);

// Check if the first 2 characters match the last 2 characters
if (firstTwoChars.equals(lastTwoChars)) {
return true;

return false;

Here's how the method works:

1. It checks if the length of the word is at least 2. If not, it immediately returns false, as there won't be enough characters to compare.

2. It uses the `substring()` method to extract the first 2 characters of the word and assigns the result to the `firstTwoChars` variable.

3. It uses a similar approach to extract the last 2 characters of the word and assigns the result to the `lastTwoChars` variable.

4. It compares `firstTwoChars` and `lastTwoChars` using the `equals()` method. If they are equal, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

You can test the method using different words to see if it correctly identifies the occurrence of the first 2 characters at the end of the string.