Christy had a full bag of flour. She made two batches of muffins.each batch used 2 1/4c if flour. Then she used 1 1/2c of flour to make pancakes. The remaining of 2 1/6c to make banana bread.

What is your question?

How much flour is in the bag

The common denominator is 12

2 1/4 = 2 3/12
2 1/4 = 2 3/12
1 1/2 = 1 6/12
2 1/6 = 2 2/12

Add them together.

To find out how much flour Christy initially had, we need to add up the amounts of flour used for each recipe.

First, let's calculate the total amount of flour used for the muffins. Since there were two batches, we need to multiply the amount for one batch by 2.

2 1/4 cups * 2 = 4 1/2 cups

So, Christy used 4 1/2 cups of flour for the muffins.

Next, she used 1 1/2 cups of flour to make pancakes.

Now let's calculate how much flour was left after making the muffins and pancakes. To do this, we need to subtract the amounts used from the initial full bag of flour.

Initial full bag of flour = Amount used for muffins + Amount used for pancakes + Amount used for banana bread

To subtract fractions, we need to have a common denominator. The denominators for 1/4, 1/2, and 6 are all factors of 12. So let's convert the fractions to twelfths.

Muffins: 2 1/4 cups = (2 * 12/12) + (1/4 * 12/12) = 24/12 + 3/12 = 27/12 cups
Pancakes: 1 1/2 cups = (1 * 12/12) + (1/2 * 12/12) = 12/12 + 6/12 = 18/12 cups
Banana bread: 2 1/6 cups = (2 * 12/12) + (1/6 * 12/12) = 24/12 + 2/12 = 26/12 cups

Now we can calculate the remaining flour:

Remaining flour = Initial full bag of flour - Amount used for muffins - Amount used for pancakes - Amount used for banana bread
= 1(12/12) - 27/12 - 18/12 - 26/12
= 12/12 - (27/12 + 18/12 + 26/12)
= 12/12 - 71/12
= -59/12

The result is negative because the total amount used exceeded the initial amount. So, Christy did not have enough flour to make everything described in the question.