Your large firm is about to change to a customer-centered organization structure, in which employees who have rarely had customer contact will now likely significantly influence customer satisfaction and retention. As part of the transition, your superior wants an accurate evaluation of the morale of the firm’s large number of computer technicians.

Any suggestions on What type of sample I could draw if it was to be an unrestricted sample?



If you want to draw an unrestricted sample to evaluate the morale of the firm's large number of computer technicians, you can consider using a simple random sample.

Here's how you can go about it:

1. Define the population: Determine the total number of computer technicians in the firm who will be part of the evaluation. This will be your population.

2. Assign unique identifiers: Give each computer technician a unique identifier, such as an employee number or ID.

3. Use a random number generator: Utilize a random number generator, either manually or by using computer software, to generate a set of random numbers. This will determine the individuals to be included in your sample.

4. Select sample size: Determine the desired sample size based on feasibility and statistical considerations. Ideally, you would want a representative sample that is large enough to provide reliable insights into the morale of the computer technicians.

5. Select sample: Match the random numbers generated in step 3 to the corresponding identifiers assigned to the computer technicians. Select the individuals with these identifiers to form your sample.

6. Collect data: Once you have selected your sample, you can proceed with evaluating the morale. You can conduct surveys, interviews, or employ any other data collection method to gauge the computer technicians' morale.

By employing a simple random sample, you ensure that each computer technician in the firm has an equal chance of being included in the evaluation, making the sample representative of the larger population. This approach helps minimize bias and provides a more accurate assessment of the overall morale.