How do you graph the equation of -1.2x + 2y= -4 and y = 0.6x + 8

To graph the equation -1.2x + 2y = -4, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rearrange the equation to solve for y:
-1.2x + 2y = -4
2y = 1.2x - 4
y = 0.6x - 2

Step 2: Choose values for x and calculate the corresponding y values. This will give you points on the graph. Since this is a linear equation, you only need two points to determine a line.

- Pick x = 0:
y = 0.6(0) - 2
y = -2
First point: (0, -2)

- Pick x = 5:
y = 0.6(5) - 2
y = 3 - 2
y = 1
Second point: (5, 1)

Step 3: Plot the two points (0, -2) and (5, 1) on a Cartesian plane.

Step 4: Draw a straight line passing through these two points. This line represents the equation -1.2x + 2y = -4.

Now, let's move on to the second equation, y = 0.6x + 8:

Step 1: Since the equation is already in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), you can easily identify the slope (m) and y-intercept (b).

- The slope (m) is 0.6.
- The y-intercept (b) is 8.

Step 2: Plot the y-intercept, which in this case is the point (0, 8).

Step 3: Determine a second point using the slope (m). The slope tells you how much y changes when x increases by 1. In this case, for every 1 unit increase in x, y increases by 0.6 units.

- Starting from the y-intercept (0, 8), move 1 unit to the right and 0.6 units up.
- This gives you the second point: (1, 8.6).

Step 4: Plot the second point (1, 8.6).

Step 5: Draw a straight line passing through these two points. This line represents the equation y = 0.6x + 8.

Now, you have successfully graphed both equations.