Wayne will get $4200 if his salary is increase by 20%.Wayne's salary is 40% less the barry.Find Barry's salary.

To find Barry's salary, we first need to determine Wayne's current salary.

We know that Wayne will receive $4200 if his salary increases by 20%. Let's denote Wayne's current salary as "x".

We can set up the equation:
x + 20% of x = $4200

To calculate 20% of x, we multiply x by 0.20:

So our equation becomes:
x + 0.20x = $4200

Combining like terms, we get:
1.20x = $4200

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 1.20:
x = $4200 / 1.20

Calculating this, we find that Wayne's current salary (x) is $3500.

Now that we know Wayne's salary, we can find Barry's salary, which is 40% less than Wayne's.

To find 40% of Wayne's salary, we multiply $3500 by 0.40:
0.40 * $3500 = $1400

Therefore, Barry's salary is $1400.