
Which of the following is an example of metaphor? (1 point)

an overwhelming wave of embarrassment
as harmless as a newborn chick
a hissing and slithering snake

When writing a poem, sensory details are used to (1 point)

compare two unlike things or concepts.
give human characteristics to inanimate objects.
create vivid images that appeal to the senses.

Which synonym of the word rain is most appropriate to be used in this sentence?

The whole sky seemed to explode in the sudden __________. (1 point)


My answers:
1. an overwhelming wave of embarrassment
2. create vivid images that appeal to the senses.
3. shower

I agree with your second answer, but not with the other two.

how about:

1. a hissing and slithering snake
3. thunderstorm

Much better. Those are right. :-)


You're welcome.

1. Your answer for question 1 is correct. "An overwhelming wave of embarrassment" is an example of metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things by stating that one thing is another thing. In this case, the feeling of embarrassment is being compared to a wave.

2. Your answer for question 2 is also correct. When writing a poem, sensory details are used to create vivid images that appeal to the senses. Sensory details include descriptive language that appeals to the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. By using sensory details, poets can bring their words to life and evoke powerful emotions in the reader.

3. Your answer for question 3, "shower," is correct. In the sentence "The whole sky seemed to explode in the sudden shower," the most appropriate synonym for the word "rain" would be "shower." A shower refers to a brief period of rain, usually of light to moderate intensity. In this sentence, it suggests that the rain came suddenly and possibly with force. The other options, "precipitation" and "thunderstorm," do not accurately convey the suddenness and intensity implied in the sentence.