39x + 75y over the square root of 97 =650 how do I solve this?

To solve the equation (39x + 75y) / √97 = 650, follow these steps:

Step 1: Isolate the numerator (39x + 75y).

Multiply both sides of the equation by the square root of 97:
(39x + 75y) = 650 * √97

Step 2: Solve for x.

To isolate the x-term, subtract 75y from both sides of the equation:
39x = 650 * √97 - 75y

Now divide both sides of the equation by 39:
x = (650 * √97 - 75y) / 39

Step 3: Solve for y or find the relationship between x and y.

If you are given another equation or more information about the relationship between x and y, you can substitute the value of x into that equation to solve for y. Without additional information, you cannot solve for y using this equation alone.

So, the solution for x is x = (650 * √97 - 75y) / 39.