A school is running a raffle. There are 100 tickets, of which 3 are winners. You can assume that tickets are sold by drawing at random without replacement from the available tickets. Teacher X buys 10 raffle tickets, and so does Teacher Y. Find the chance that one of those two teachers gets all three winning tickets.


To find the chance that one of the two teachers, X or Y, gets all three winning tickets, we need to calculate the probability for each teacher individually and then add them together.

Let's start with Teacher X. We know that Teacher X bought 10 tickets, but we don't know which specific tickets they are. The probability of Teacher X getting all three winning tickets is the same as the probability of selecting all three winning tickets among the 10 tickets that Teacher X bought.

To calculate this probability, we need to consider the total number of ways to select 3 winning tickets out of 100 and divide it by the total number of ways to select 3 tickets out of the 10 that Teacher X bought.

The total number of ways to select 3 winning tickets out of 100 is given by the combination formula, which is nCr (n choose r) and can be calculated as:

nCr = n! / (r!(n-r)!)

In this case, n (total number of tickets) is 100 and r (number of winning tickets) is 3. So, the number of ways to select 3 winning tickets out of 100 is:

100C3 = 100! / (3!(100-3)!) = 100! / (3!97!) = (100 * 99 * 98) / (3 * 2 * 1) = 161,700

Now, we need to calculate the total number of ways to select 3 tickets out of the 10 that Teacher X bought:

10C3 = 10! / (3!(10-3)!) = 10! / (3!7!) = (10 * 9 * 8) / (3 * 2 * 1) = 120

So, the probability of Teacher X getting all three winning tickets is:

P(X) = 120 / 161,700

Similarly, we can calculate the probability for Teacher Y:

P(Y) = 120 / 161,700

To find the chance that one of the two teachers gets all three winning tickets, we add their individual probabilities together:

P(X or Y) = P(X) + P(Y) = 120 / 161,700 + 120 / 161,700

P(X or Y) = 240 / 161,700

Therefore, the chance that one of the two teachers, X or Y, gets all three winning tickets is 240 / 161,700.