Does this sentence flow? Word does not like can be recognized says it sounds passive.

The logo design is created for religious organizations for letterhead, advertising material, by which the organization can be recognized.

It would be better if it were not in the passive, yes.

Try this ... or some variation:

___ designed this logo to distinguish religious organizations in their letterhead, advertisements.

The ___ would be where you'd put the designer's name (or maybe the company for which he/she works).

___ designed this logo to distinguish religious organizations in their letterhead and advertisements.

This logo was designed for religious orgizations to be used for letterhead, advertising and serve as an icon to recognized by.

The sentence you provided can be improved for better flow and clarity. Here is the revised version:

"The logo design is created for religious organizations to be recognized on letterhead and advertising material."

Now, let's address the concern about the sentence sounding passive. In general, it is better to use active voice to make your writing more engaging. The active voice focuses on the subject performing the action, while the passive voice emphasizes the action being done to the subject.

To check if a sentence is in the passive voice, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject (the one performing the action) and the object (the one receiving the action).
2. Look for any form of the verb "be" (e.g., is, am, are, was, were) followed by a past participle (e.g., recognized, created).
3. If the sentence matches these criteria, it is in the passive voice.

In your original sentence, "The logo design is created for religious organizations for letterhead, advertising material, by which the organization can be recognized," the sentence includes the verb "is" followed by the past participle "created." Therefore, it is in the passive voice.

However, the sentence doesn't flow smoothly, and it is unclear who or what can be recognized. By revising it to "The logo design is created for religious organizations to be recognized on letterhead and advertising material," we have transformed it into an active voice sentence with better clarity and flow.