Name two institution or community organization that are involved in water pollution

Are you asking about institutions that cause water pollution?

yes all about water pollution

Find out about NGO's or other organisations in your community or city,or.r_qf.&fp=1a317f44bff72960&biw=711&bih=453

Two institutions or community organizations that are involved in addressing water pollution are:

1. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA is a federal agency in the United States that is responsible for protecting human health and the environment. They have various programs and initiatives aimed at monitoring and regulating water pollution. The EPA sets standards for water quality, oversees the implementation of regulations, conducts research, and enforces laws related to water pollution. They work with state and local governments, industries, and communities to address water pollution issues.

To find more information about the EPA's involvement in water pollution, you can visit their official website at On their website, you will find a wealth of information about their programs, regulations, and initiatives related to water pollution.

2. Clean Water Action: Clean Water Action is a community-based nonprofit organization that focuses on grassroots organizing and advocacy to protect water resources. They work to promote policies and practices that prevent water pollution, ensure access to clean water, and encourage sustainable water management. Clean Water Action organizes campaigns, conducts educational outreach, and engages communities in activities aimed at raising awareness about water pollution issues and advocating for clean water policies.

To learn more about Clean Water Action's efforts to address water pollution and how to get involved, you can visit their website at They provide information on their campaigns, local chapters, and ways to take action in your community.

By exploring the websites of these organizations, you can gain a deeper understanding of their roles and initiatives in addressing water pollution.