can you give me 1 journal article that deals with pharmacoeconomics study?

For a journal article, I went here:

Read read read...

is this free?

Is what free? Reading the articles? Searching at

No,i want the pdf one but I can't access it :(

I'm not home right now, but I'll check on about 45 minutes. What is the title of the article you mean?

Pharmacoeconomics of Piperacillin/Tazobactam and Imipenem/Cilastatin in the treatment of patients with intra-abdominal infections

Yes, it looks as if you'd have to buy that one if you want to read it.

Another suggestion I have is to go to your local or college library and search on their big databases. In the college where I taught, once a student or teacher had a library card, he/she could access the library's databases from home.

Here are the databases students can access from home if they are registered at this particular college:

You should see about this kind of access for yourself, including both your local (public) and college libraries.

okay,thank you for your help.

You're welcome.

Sure! To find a journal article that deals with pharmacoeconomics study, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching a reputable database relevant to pharmacy or healthcare, such as PubMed, Scopus, or Web of Science.

2. Enter keywords related to pharmacoeconomics, such as "pharmacoeconomics study" or "pharmacoeconomic analysis" in the search bar.

3. Filter the search results to include only journal articles.

4. Look for relevant articles that match your search criteria. Read the abstracts or summaries of the articles to determine their relevance to your specific needs.

Here's an example of a journal article that deals with pharmacoeconomics study:

Title: "Cost-effectiveness of Drug A versus Drug B in the Treatment of XYZ Disease: A Pharmacoeconomic Analysis"
Authors: John Smith, Jane Doe
Journal: Journal of Pharmacoeconomics
Volume: 25
Issue: 3
Pages: 245-254
Year: 2020
DOI: 10.xxxx/jpe.2020.xxxxx

Please note that the article details provided here are fictional, and you should perform the search yourself using appropriate keywords and a reputable database to obtain real and up-to-date results.

Remember to access the full article, you may need a subscription or access through an institution such as a university or library. Alternatively, you can often find pre-print versions or pay to access individual articles.