What are the parts of the sentence.

example: verb, subject, prepositional phase, linking verb, subject compliment, direct object, indirect object, object compliment.
The committee elected George chairman.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

The only car for him is one of those new GTO's

is=linking verb
one of those new GTO's=prep phase

for is a preposition, not a verb

one -- predicate nominative

of those new GTO's -- prep phrase

To identify the parts of a sentence, you need to break it down and analyze the roles of the words and phrases. Here is a breakdown of the sentence "The committee elected George chairman":

1. Subject: The subject of the sentence is "The committee." It is the noun or noun phrase that performs the action or is being described.

2. Verb: The verb is "elected." It is the action or state-of-being word that shows what the subject is doing or experiencing.

3. Direct Object: There is no direct object in this sentence. A direct object is a noun or noun phrase that receives the action of the verb directly. In this case, we don't have a noun that the committee elected.

4. Indirect Object: There is no indirect object in this sentence either. An indirect object is a noun or noun phrase that receives the direct object of the verb. It answers the question of "to whom" or "for whom" the action is done.

5. Linking Verb: There is no linking verb in this sentence. A linking verb connects the subject to its complement, which describes or identifies the subject.

6. Subject Complement: There is no subject complement in this sentence. A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject.

7. Object Complement: In this sentence, "chairman" is the object complement. An object complement is a word or phrase that modifies or completes the direct object of the verb.

8. Prepositional Phrase: There is no prepositional phrase in this sentence. A prepositional phrase includes a preposition and its object, along with any modifiers. It provides additional information about location, time, or manner.

In summary, the parts of the sentence "The committee elected George chairman" are the subject ("The committee"), verb ("elected"), and object complement ("chairman").