Calculate the area of the trapezoid, which is not drawn to scale.

Is this formula right?

A = (5+4) x 11/2 =49.5

Paraell sides are 8 in and 11 in.

top is 5 inch
bottom is 4 in. Wtih two little boxes on each side.

Please help me understand ?

I read the link.

So, I have this
A = (5+4) divided by 1/2 x 11 (h) = 49.5 in

Is this right???

8x4= 32

1/2x3x4= 6in

32+ 6= 38in

Mid-Unit Review Quiz Pt2

so please just give me some answeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrs. Please, thanks.

It’s not right. This is what I think it is. 38in.^2

You could find the area of this by also using the technique of finding an area of a composite figure. (Decomposing the figure into shaped you already know)

In this case, if you decompose it, you would get a rectangle and a triangle. The rectangle would be 8x4 (32) and the triangle should be 4x3 (12) but then you would divide 12 by 2, so 6in^2. Add those together, (32in^2 + 6in.^2) and you get 38in^2. I hope this helps and that I am correct. If not, I am very sorry. I tried.


the real answer is A=38 inches btw

I need the answers plss btw I'm a Christian too I need answers please!!!

can someone put the correct answer 😑

OK, so jj was correct. The answer was 38. (As expected. They have always given the right answers)

Look this up on Google. "area of a trapezoid."
You'll see an image that has a few boxes to put numbers in.
First one: put 8
Second: Put 11
Third: Put 4

Then after putting that in, it'll give you a formula. If it doesn't look right to you (because Google can't show multiplication signs in this) look at the first 'People also ask' box. It should say 'What is the formula for finding area of a trapezoid?'
It'll tell you where to put in the answer.

Have a great day, guys. nwn


The area is

A = (5 + 4) * 1/2 * h

What is the height?