What is the literary term when something serious is happening and there is humor?


Scroll down and read the entry for Humor. See if there's the term you're looking for.


Or maybe Irony.

The literary term you are referring to is "tragicomedy." Tragicomedy is a genre in literature that combines elements of both tragedy and comedy. It often involves a storyline that deals with serious or tragic events, but also incorporates humor or comedic elements to provide a contrast. Tragicomedy aims to create a complex emotional response in the reader or audience by blending both tragic and comedic moments.

To find this term, you can begin by conducting a search on a reliable search engine or database using keywords such as "literary term for serious events with humor" or "definition of tragicomedy in literature." This will lead you to various sources, such as dictionaries, glossaries, or literary websites, which will provide you with a detailed explanation of the term and its usage in literature. Additionally, you can explore books, articles, or scholarly papers on the subject to gain a deeper understanding of how tragicomedy is employed in different works of literature.