3. If all of a company’s Filipino employees sit together for lunch, sociologists would say they have formed their own __________. (Points : 1)

diversified group
ethic group


Or if this is in the Philippines, it would be an ingroup.

Perhaps they are from different Filipino religions, locations, and cultures. They tney would be a diversified group.

Regardless of who they are, banding together would make them form their own ingroup.

The answer to this question is "ingroup". An ingroup refers to a social group in which individuals share a sense of belonging and identity. In this scenario, if all of a company's Filipino employees sit together for lunch, they are forming their own ingroup.

To find the answer, you can eliminate the options "diversified group" and "ethic group" as they do not accurately describe the situation.

The remaining options are "outgroup" and "ingroup". Outgroup refers to a social group with which an individual does not identify or share a sense of belonging. On the other hand, ingroup refers to a social group with which an individual does identify and share a sense of belonging. In this scenario, since all of the Filipino employees are sitting together, they are forming their own ingroup.

Therefore, the correct answer is "ingroup".