Can you check my answer to see if i really get this word problem thing

A camper leaves the campsite walking due east at a rate of 3.5 mph. Another camper leaves the campsite at the same time but travels due west. In two hours the campers will be 15 miles apart. What is the walking rate of the second camper?

Camper 1: distance is 15, rate is 3.5mph, time is 2 hrs.

Camper 2: distance is 15, rate is x, time is 2 hrs.

r=3.5 mph

Your calculations are incorrect.

To solve this word problem, we can use the formula: Distance = Rate * Time.

For Camper 1:
Distance = Rate * Time
15 miles = 3.5 mph * 2 hours

To find the rate for Camper 2, we need to rearrange the formula:

Rate = Distance / Time
Rate = 15 miles / 2 hours
Rate = 7.5 mph

So, the walking rate of the second camper is 7.5 mph.

To check your answer, you can substitute the rate of Camper 2 back into the formula for Camper 1:

Distance = Rate * Time
15 miles = 7.5 mph * 2 hours
15 miles = 15 miles

Since the equation is balanced, your answer is correct.