a region has a geothermal gradient of 180 ˚C km^-1.what type of metamorphism will occur at a pressure of 1.2×10^8 pa? answer the question by completing the sentence below.

In these condition there would be ........??? metamorphism.
I would appreciate if someone could answer this question.thanks

In these conditions, there would be high-grade metamorphism.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the relationship between pressure, temperature, and the type of metamorphism that occurs.

Metamorphism refers to the process of rocks changing their form due to heat and pressure over time. The intensity of metamorphism is determined by both temperature and pressure.

The geothermal gradient of 180˚C km^-1 indicates that the temperature increases by 180˚C for every kilometer of depth. So, for a pressure of 1.2×10^8 Pa at this geothermal gradient, we need to consider the depth and the corresponding temperature.

To calculate the depth, we can use the pressure-depth relationship in the Earth's crust, which assumes an average density:

Pressure (Pa) = Density (kg/m^3) × Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s^2) × Depth (m)

Since we don't have information about the density, we cannot calculate the exact depth. However, we can still determine that the given pressure of 1.2×10^8 Pa corresponds to a significant depth in the Earth's crust.

As we move deeper into the Earth's crust, the temperature increases due to the geothermal gradient. Because we have a high geothermal gradient of 180˚C km^-1, we can assume that at a depth where the pressure is 1.2×10^8 Pa, the temperature will be extremely high.

High-grade metamorphism occurs under high temperature and pressure conditions, typically found at greater depths in the Earth's crust. So, based on the given geothermal gradient and pressure, we can conclude that high-grade metamorphism would occur in these conditions.