A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 feet above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft below sea level. What pigsis the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?

29,035 - (-1,349)= 30,429

the answer is 30,429

it's a positive
it's only a negative if the is a minus sign in front of it

OMG @Ihavenoidea WHAT DO U THINK UR DOING RN HOW UR MAKING PPL FEEL RN!?!?! We dont come here to get some speech from some one. I mean ur over here telling us how it would hurt people to talk to them that way reading that hurt MY FEELINGS!!!! so ur just a hypocrite. U have no room to talk. We never said we hated every one! We are all trying to help in our own ways. some people are saying others r wrong bc they may be they are saying that so no one else get wrong. So just think of all the people ur hurting with that comment. Do u feel guilty? I mean ur calling us morons and saying we will be miserable! That hurts rlly bad.

If they are bad at math then you give us the answers

the answer is 30,384 ft because, 29,035 - (-1,349)= 30,384.

Also, remember that when subtracting integers it's like adding them so this equation would be equivalent to, 29,035 + 1,349= 30,384

Just practice what preach.

@IActuallyHaveNoIdea Yeah, you really DO have no idea. Just because Ms. Sue created Jiskha doesn't mean she can't be annoying. As a matter of fact, you'd think she would have enough sense to know that telling us to stop cheating and that she won't give us the answers but rather help us isn't helpful. Ms. Sue is dead, too, she passed in December 2019, so I don't even see why this is still in discussion.

And don't compare how we talk to Ms. Sue to other scenarios. It's not the same. No one tells her to go die, so don't compare it that way.

And no one here is a moron dont let him/her tell u that stuff bc he/she just wants to make yall feel bad

29,035 + 1,349 = ?

29,035 + (-1,349) you change it

29,035 - 1,349 = 27,686
the is the answer 27,686
