Expand the expression without exponents

log4 x^4y^7/4

how do I start solving this equation? Thanks, for your help.

Log4 X^4Y^(7/4)

Log4 X^4 + Log4 Y^^(7/4)
4*Log4 X + (7/4)*Log4 Y.

To expand the expression "log4 x^4y^7/4" without exponents, we use logarithmic rules to rewrite the expression in a different form. Here are the steps you can follow:

Step 1: Rewrite the expression using the logarithmic properties:
log4(x^4y^7/4) = log4(x^4) + log4(y^7) - log4(4)

Step 2: Simplify the logarithmic expressions:
log4(x^4) = 4log4(x)
log4(y^7) = 7log4(y)
log4(4) = 1

Final Step: Substitute the simplified expressions back into the original expression:
log4(x^4y^7/4) = 4log4(x) + 7log4(y) - 1

Thus, "log4(x^4y^7/4)" can be expanded as "4log4(x) + 7log4(y) - 1".