Select the geometric figure that possesses all of the characteristics:

(1) four equal sides
(2) both pairs of opposite sides are parallel
(3) it doesn't contain any right angle

A) square
B) parallelogram
C) rhombus
D) isosceles triangle
I know it's not A or D

Not all parallelograms have four sides equal.

I agree with you on A and D.

Check this site.

So it's rhombus


Yep. It's a rhombus. A rhombus is a special parallelogram.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through the characteristics one by one and eliminate the options based on their descriptions.

(1) Four equal sides: Based on this requirement, we can eliminate the options A and D since squares and isosceles triangles do not have four equal sides.

(2) Both pairs of opposite sides are parallel: This condition describes a parallelogram and a rhombus. Both of these shapes have parallel sides. So, we have two options remaining, B and C.

(3) It doesn't contain any right angle: A right angle measures 90 degrees. Based on this condition, we can eliminate the option B, which is a parallelogram. Parallelograms can have right angles.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) rhombus.