1. identify and describe 3 environmental health hazards that cause ill health,crises, and/or disasters within your community or any other community withing SA and globally. Include evidence that is current of the identified issues, use graphs, statistics, pictures,etc.

2. Critically discuss 10 ways in which the environmental health hazard can impact negatively on one's health

3. Suggest 5 recommendations on how to address the environmental problems within community or and other community within SA and globally.

4. Ways in which one can take responsibility to provide safe and living environment


identify describe 3 environmental health hazard that cause ill health,crises,or disaster

critically discuss 10 ways in which the environmental health hazards can impact negatively on ones health

water pollution in south africa caused by people washing i the river

1. To identify and describe three environmental health hazards that cause ill health, crises, and/or disasters, we can consider examples from both the local community and globally.

a) Air pollution: Air pollution is a significant environmental health hazard prevalent in many communities worldwide. It is caused by emissions from vehicles, industrial activities, and the burning of fossil fuels. This can lead to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular issues, and other health problems. One example of evidence of air pollution's impact is the Global Burden of Disease Study, which estimates that outdoor air pollution was responsible for over 4 million premature deaths globally in 2019.

b) Contaminated water: Inadequate access to safe and clean drinking water is a common issue worldwide, especially in developing countries. Contamination of water sources with pollutants, such as industrial chemicals, agricultural runoff, and inadequate sanitation systems, can lead to various waterborne diseases, including cholera, dysentery, and hepatitis. A report by the World Health Organization states that globally, around 2 billion people drink water that is contaminated with feces.

c) Climate change: Climate change is a global environmental health hazard affecting communities in various ways. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and changing rainfall patterns have diverse impacts on human health. These include increased heat-related illnesses, the spread of vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever, and disruptions to food security and water availability. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides extensive scientific reports on the current and projected impacts of climate change on health.

For comprehensive evidence, graphs, statistics, and pictures, it is recommended to refer to research articles, reports from international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and government agencies responsible for environmental health in your local community.

2. The negative impacts of environmental health hazards on one's health can be far-reaching. Here are ten ways in which they can affect health negatively:

a) Respiratory problems: Exposure to air pollutants can lead to the development or worsening of respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

b) Cardiovascular diseases: Air pollution and certain water contaminants can contribute to the development of heart diseases, including heart attacks and strokes.

c) Cancer: Certain environmental hazards, such as exposure to asbestos, lead, or toxic chemicals, can increase the risk of various types of cancer.

d) Neurological disorders: Exposure to neurotoxic pollutants, such as lead or mercury, can result in neurological issues like developmental delays, learning disabilities, and cognitive impairments.

e) Allergies and sensitivities: Environmental pollutants can trigger allergic reactions or sensitivities, leading to symptoms like skin rashes, watery eyes, and respiratory problems.

f) Hormonal disruptions: Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, commonly found in plastics and pesticides, can interfere with hormonal balance and lead to reproductive and developmental issues.

g) Infectious diseases: Lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation can contribute to the spread of waterborne diseases, such as diarrhea, typhoid, and cholera.

h) Mental health issues: Climate change-related events like natural disasters can have significant psychological impacts, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety.

i) Malnutrition: Environmental factors, such as droughts or floods, can disrupt agricultural production, leading to food shortages and malnutrition.

j) Heat-related illnesses: Increasing temperatures due to climate change can result in heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and other heat-related illnesses.

3. To address environmental problems within a community or globally, here are five recommendations:

a) Implement sustainable waste management practices, such as waste reduction, recycling, and proper disposal. Encourage composting and use of eco-friendly packaging materials.

b) Promote renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Encourage the use of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, and support policies that incentivize their adoption.

c) Enhance public transportation systems and promote the use of electric vehicles. This can help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation.

d) Improve access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities, particularly in marginalized communities. This may involve investing in infrastructure and implementing proper water treatment and waste management systems.

e) Raise awareness and educate the community about environmental health hazards and their impacts. Engage in advocacy efforts to support policies that prioritize environmental protection and public health.

4. Individuals can take responsibility to provide a safe and healthy living environment in the following ways:

a) Reduce personal energy consumption by using energy-efficient appliances, insulating homes, and practicing energy-saving habits like turning off lights and unplugging devices when not in use.

b) Conserve water by fixing leaks, using water-saving devices, and practicing responsible water usage habits such as taking shorter showers and utilizing rainwater harvesting systems.

c) Dispose of waste responsibly by recycling, composting organic waste, and following local waste management guidelines.

d) Use environmentally friendly and non-toxic products, such as household cleaning supplies and personal care products.

e) Promote biodiversity by planting native plants or creating wildlife-friendly habitats in gardens or other green spaces.

f) Practice sustainable and responsible farming or gardening methods, such as organic farming, crop rotation, and integrated pest management.

g) Support environmental conservation initiatives, such as volunteering in local environmental organizations or participating in community clean-up activities.

h) Advocate for sustainable and environmentally friendly policies at the local, regional, and national levels through engaging in public consultations, contacting policymakers, and voting for candidates with strong environmental agendas.

Remember, these suggestions are general and can be adapted based on specific local circumstances and the scale of the issue.