What is 8/9 as a percent, as a decimal, and a decimal rounded to two places?

Around 89%

0.888888888888888888888888889 Repeating


To find the percent equivalent of 8/9, you can multiply it by 100. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Convert 8/9 to a decimal: Divide 8 by 9. The result is approximately 0.8889.

2. To find the percent, multiply the decimal by 100. 0.8889 multiplied by 100 is 88.89.

Therefore, 8/9 as a percent is 88.89%.

Next, let's express 8/9 as a decimal rounded to two decimal places (or two places after the decimal point):

1. We already determined that 8/9 as a decimal is approximately 0.8889.

2. When rounding to two decimal places, look at the digit in the third decimal place (8). Since it is greater than 5, we round the second decimal place (8) up by one. Thus, 0.8889 rounded to two decimal places is 0.89.

Therefore, 8/9 as a decimal rounded to two places is 0.89.