1. He is riding a roller board.

2. He is in the air on the roller board with his arms spread in the picture.

3. Talk with your partner and check the Yes box if your partner likies the activity. If your partner doesn't like the activity, check the no box.

4. He is watching a 3D movie wearing 3D glasses. He looks thrilled or surprised with satisfied looks.

5. He is wearing 3D glasses. It is 3D glasses. They are 3D glasses.

(Would you check all the sentences? Correct erors, please. Thank you.)

1. He is riding a roller board.

- The sentence is grammatically correct, but the term "roller board" is not commonly used. It is usually referred to as a "skateboard" or a "skateboard deck."

2. He is in the air on the roller board with his arms spread in the picture.
- The sentence is grammatically correct and does not contain any errors.

3. Talk with your partner and check the Yes box if your partner likes the activity. If your partner doesn't like the activity, check the No box.
- The sentence is grammatically correct, but there was an error in the word "likies" which should be "likes." Additionally, the words "Yes" and "No" should be capitalized.

4. He is watching a 3D movie wearing 3D glasses. He looks thrilled or surprised with satisfied looks.
- The sentence is grammatically correct, but there is an issue with clarity in the phrase "satisfied looks." It would be better to say "He looks thrilled or surprised and appears to be satisfied."

5. He is wearing 3D glasses. It is 3D glasses. They are 3D glasses.
- The sentences are grammatically correct, but it can be repetitive to mention "3D glasses" multiple times. You could rephrase it as "He is wearing a pair of 3D glasses" or simply "He is wearing 3D glasses."