1. All three poems use sensory details in order to (1 point)

celebrate team play.
remind athletes of their role in inspiring society.
show the beauty of mental concentration and physical prowess.

2. The word antagonize, often used in sports, means "to provoke hostility." The word contains the root anti-, meaning "against." Which of the following words contains the same root?
(1 point)
3. Reading your poem aloud is especially helpful in (1 point)
correcting any spelling mistakes.
making sure that sound devices are effective.
crafting the final title for the poem

I'll be glad to check your answers if you post the authors and titles of the poems referenced in # 1.

The women's 400 Meters by lillian Morrison

To James by Frank Horne

Slam, Dunk, and Hook by Yusef Komunyakaa

My answers are A, C, B

I agree with your answers to 2 and 3.

I disagree with your answer to 1.

Ok, What do you think 1 is? Ps; thank you so much for helping so far :D

I read the Morrison and Horne poems. They had nothing to do with team work. Read these poems and the answer will be clear to you.


3/3, Thanks so much Ms. Sue!!!

You're very welcome, Katter.

1. To determine the answer to the question, you would need to read all three poems and analyze how sensory details are used in each of them. Look for descriptions that appeal to the senses such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Pay attention to how these details are used to convey emotions, evoke imagery, or create a certain mood. Once you have analyzed each poem, you can compare the sensory details used and determine which answer choice aligns with the purpose of using sensory details in the poems.

2. To find the word that contains the same root as "antagonize," you need to understand the meaning of the root "anti-," which means "against." Then you can look at the given word options and identify one that starts with the same root. In this case, "anticipation" is the correct answer since it starts with the root "anti-" meaning "against."

3. To determine the answer, you need to understand the purpose and benefits of reading a poem aloud. Reading a poem aloud can help in identifying any spelling mistakes by hearing how the words sound. It can also assist in assessing the effectiveness of sound devices such as rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration. Lastly, reading the poem aloud can aid in the process of crafting the final title for the poem by giving you a better sense of the overall tone, theme, and mood. Therefore, the correct answer is "making sure that sound devices are effective" as it aligns with the purpose of reading a poem aloud.