Danette knows she is not at all like her parents. She could never be like them. She is her own unique person. Her style of dress, mannerisms, and language emphasize her uniqueness. According to Erkison, Danette is attempting to establish:

A. permanence.
B. generativity.
C. identity.
D. isolation.
I believe it is C



You are correct. According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, Danette is attempting to establish her own sense of identity. This involves developing a clear understanding of who she is as a unique individual, separate from her parents and others around her. This includes her style of dress, mannerisms, and language, which emphasize her uniqueness and help define her identity.

To determine the correct answer, we can explore the options provided and connect them to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. Erikson proposed that individuals go through various stages of development, with each stage presenting a unique psychosocial crisis that needs to be resolved.

Option A, permanence, does not align with Erikson's theory. Permanence refers to the quality of being enduring and stable, which does not relate directly to an individual's identity development.

Option B, generativity, is also not the correct answer. Generativity is a stage that occurs in middle adulthood, where individuals strive to contribute to future generations through their work, family, or societal involvement. It is unrelated to Danette's situation as described in the question.

Option C, identity, is the most appropriate answer. According to Erikson, the stage of adolescence is marked by the psychosocial crisis of identity versus role confusion. During this stage, individuals explore and develop a sense of self, including their values, beliefs, and unique characteristics. Danette's emphasis on her style of dress, mannerisms, and language suggests that she is actively trying to establish her own identity and distinguish herself from her parents.

Option D, isolation, does not correspond to Danette's situation. Isolation is a potential crisis that occurs in adulthood and refers to the fear of being alone and disconnected from others. It does not align with the description of Danette's attempt to emphasize her uniqueness.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. identity. Danette's focus on her style of dress, mannerisms, and language indicates her effort to establish her own distinct identity.