How much energy in kilocalories is needed to vaporize 255g of water? The heat of vaporization of water is 540 cal/g.


To calculate the amount of energy needed to vaporize 255g of water, we can use the heat of vaporization of water, which is 540 cal/g.

Step 1: Convert grams to kilocalories
1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1000 calories (cal)
So, the heat of vaporization can be written as 540 cal/g = 0.54 kcal/g

Step 2: Calculate the energy needed
To find the energy needed, we multiply the heat of vaporization by the mass of water:
Energy = heat of vaporization * mass of water

Energy = 0.54 kcal/g * 255g
Energy = 137.7 kcal

Therefore, it would take 137.7 kilocalories of energy to vaporize 255 grams of water.

To find the amount of energy needed to vaporize 255g of water, we can use the formula:

Energy = mass × heat of vaporization

Mass of water = 255g
Heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/g

First, we need to convert the heat of vaporization from calories to kilocalories since the unit of energy we want is kilocalories.

1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1000 calories (cal)

Therefore, the heat of vaporization in kilocalories is:

540 cal/g ÷ 1000 cal/kcal = 0.54 kcal/g

Now, we can calculate the energy needed to vaporize the water:

Energy = 255g × 0.54 kcal/g

Energy = 137.7 kcal

Therefore, it would take approximately 137.7 kilocalories of energy to vaporize 255 grams of water.