Please show the steps and explain how to do this as well.

3√8 · 2√5

To simplify the expression 3√8 · 2√5, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify each square root separately.
- The square root of 8 can be simplified as follows: √8 = √(4 × 2) = √4 × √2 = 2√2.
- The square root of 5 cannot be simplified any further.

Step 2: Multiply the simplified square roots.
- 3√8 · 2√5 = (3 × 2) × (√2 × √5) = 6 × √(2 × 5) = 6√10.

Thus, the result of the expression 3√8 · 2√5 is 6√10.