Can someone tell me how to get the answer to this question? Just a formula would be great. It's on my physics study guide for my unit test.

Sound waves with a wavelength of 2.5 m are traveling 7.5 m/s. How many waves will pass a microphone in 10.0 s? (Answer 30 waves)

L = V*T = V/F = 30

F = V/L = 7.5/2.5 = 3 Hz = 3 cycles/s.

3cycles/s * 10s = 30 Cycles or waves.

Correction: L = V*T = V/F.

To find the number of waves that will pass a microphone in 10.0 seconds, we can use the formula:

Number of waves = Speed ÷ Wavelength

Speed of the sound waves = 7.5 m/s
Wavelength = 2.5 m

Substituting these values into the formula:

Number of waves = 7.5 m/s ÷ 2.5 m

Simplifying the expression:

Number of waves = 3 waves per second

To find the total number of waves passing the microphone in 10.0 seconds, we multiply the number of waves per second by the duration:

Total number of waves = 3 waves/second × 10.0 seconds

Calculating the result:

Total number of waves = 30 waves

So, the answer is indeed 30 waves.

To find the answer to the question, you can use the formula:

Number of waves = Speed / Wavelength

In this case, the speed of the sound waves is given as 7.5 m/s and the wavelength is given as 2.5 m.

Substituting these values into the formula, we have:

Number of waves = 7.5 m/s / 2.5 m

Dividing 7.5 m/s by 2.5 m, we get:

Number of waves = 3 waves

So, according to the formula, 3 waves will pass a microphone in 1 second.

To find out how many waves will pass in 10 seconds, we can multiply the number of waves per second by the duration in seconds:

Number of waves in 10 seconds = 3 waves/second × 10 seconds

Multiplying 3 waves/second by 10 seconds, we get:

Number of waves in 10 seconds = 30 waves

Therefore, based on the formula, 30 waves will pass a microphone in 10 seconds.