What will the graph look like for a system of equations that has no solution?

A. The lines will be perpendicular.

B. The lines will cross at one point.

C. Both equations will form the same line.

D. The lines will be parallel.

I think it is D..?


some might pick C, but if the form the same line, there would be an infinite number of solutions, thus a solution.

To determine what the graph will look like for a system of equations that has no solution, we need to understand how the equations in the system relate to each other.

In this case, if the system of equations has no solution, it means that the two lines represented by the equations will never intersect. This can occur when the lines are either parallel or when the equations describe the same line.

If the lines are parallel, they will never cross, and the graph will consist of two distinct lines that do not intersect. Therefore, option D, "The lines will be parallel," is correct for a system of equations with no solution.

To find the answer for this question, it is important to understand the concepts of parallel lines and identical lines in terms of systems of equations.