A bicycle trail is 7miles and 880 yards long.How many total yards is the bicycle trail

1 mile = 1760 yards

(7 * 1760) + 880 = _______ yards in the trail

To calculate the total yards in a bicycle trail that is 7 miles and 880 yards long, we need to convert the miles to yards and then add the remaining yards.

First, let's convert the 7 miles to yards.

1 mile is equal to 1,760 yards, so 7 miles would be:
7 miles * 1,760 yards/mile = 12,320 yards.

Next, we add the remaining 880 yards to the converted yards:
12,320 yards + 880 yards = 13,200 yards.

Therefore, the total length of the bicycle trail is 13,200 yards.

well, since 1 mile = 1760 yards ...
