Bought 3 shirts & 2 pair pants for $85 and my friend bought 2 shirts & 5 pants for $130, and the shirts are the same price, what is the price of each shirt?

To find the price of each shirt, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information. Let's assume the price of each shirt is 's' dollars.

From the first statement, it states that you bought 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants for $85. We can express this as an equation:

3s + 2p = 85

Similarly, from the second statement, it states that your friend bought 2 shirts and 5 pairs of pants for $130:

2s + 5p = 130

We know that the prices of the shirts are the same for both you and your friend, so the value of 's' remains constant.

To solve this system of equations, we can use substitution or elimination. Let's use substitution:

Rearrange the first equation to solve for 'p' in terms of 's':

2p = 85 - 3s
p = (85 - 3s) / 2

Now we can substitute this expression for 'p' into the second equation:

2s + 5((85 - 3s) / 2) = 130

Simplify the equation:

2s + (425 - 15s) / 2 = 130

Multiply through by 2 to get rid of the denominator:

4s + 425 - 15s = 260

Combine like terms:

-11s + 425 = 260

Subtract 425 from both sides:

-11s = -165

Divide both sides by -11:

s = -165 / -11
s = 15

Therefore, the price of each shirt is $15.

assuming the pants are also the same price,

(s,p) = (20,15)